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In God We Trust, Does That Phrase Belong On Money, Another Christian Viewpoint? Part 1
By Wil Langford, R. Hy. Clinical Hypnotherapist
I just received another email from a concerned person who wants to make sure that the phrase, "In God We Trust," is printed on all our currency here in the United States. Having been raised a Christian and born again since age 12, I have a few thoughts on the subject. Now don't get me wrong, I'm probably not your average or usual born again Christian.

Since those innocent days of youth when I went forward in church to accept Jesus as my savior, I've broadened my viewpoint and had the chance to meet people of other faiths. I no longer hold the rigid beliefs and opinions I once held, but still, according to the way it was explained to me back then, once you're saved you're saved. You don't get into heaven with good works, according to the preacher who lead me to Jesus. You have to make a public display of faith and accept Jesus, which I did, so I'm saved and that is that. I'm going to heaven and a lot of you do-gooders aren't.

Sorry to go on and on about the whole being saved and born again thing, but I think, since what I am about to say may ruffle a few of my fellow Christian's feathers, I should make it clear that this opinion is coming from a real born again C. Even if you totally disagree with me and want to take away my born again, get-into-heaven-no-matter-what-I-do status, you can't. When I make my great transition I'll be right up there in heaven with you. Of course, you can always pray for me, that would be nice.

About this business of putting "In God We Trust," on our currency, here are a few thoughts. Having studied other religions and philosophies, I believe that God, or Spirit or Higher Self, whatever you want to call the creator, is in all things, including money, including cancer cells, including well, everything. If we are going to write that phrase on Money, why not write it on everything the United States Government prints, produces, buys? For instance, wouldn't you feel better knowing that "In God We Trust," was written on a bomb we accidentally dropped on some civilians?

Didn't we once bomb a school house in another country? Wouldn't it have been nice to console the grieving parents with the knowledge that we had written God's name on the bomb that killed their children?

Let's get IGWT on everything. But let's not stop there, I think it would also be nice to put the pictures of dead prophets on our currency. Just picture Moses on the 20 dollar bill instead of Andy Jackson. The nice thing about that is that Moses covers all the religions of Abraham, so no one from the big three gets left out. Moses may have been a polygamist and slave owner like most of the Old Testament leaders, but what of it? Some of our best dead presidents also owned slaves. It may not have been moral or nice, but it sure was legal and after all, is legal tender. Now we understand that slavery is immoral and totally unacceptable, but it wasn't always that


Another thing I think we have to consider is whether or not to put Mohammed's picture on currency. I don't want to offend anyone and if that would be offensive to his followers then we definitely shouldn't do it, on the other hand if they would like to see his picture on our money, or his name, I think it only fair. This is the United States of America where all religions are accepted and we have many people of the Muslim faith among our citizens. We already honored the Jews by putting Moses' picture on the twenty, but let's not get off the subject. We're talking about keeping IGWT on our currency.

Another nice touch might be putting Bible verses on our currency. For instance, when Jesus held in his hand in the Bible, he said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s." I think what he meant was, "In God We Trust."

As far as we know, Jesus didn't talk a lot about money, but we do know that the only time he got violent and really riled up was when he drove the changers from the temple. He probably wouldn't have done that if the had God's name on it rather than Caesar’s name. Maybe that is why some people love so much now, we've put God's name on it, or at least we put "God," on it, we don't actually know his or her first name, do we?

In the criminal world, cash is king. Crack dealers would rather be paid off in cash than by check. It gives me a warm feeling inside to know that every time a crack dealer gets a suitcase full of money, he is getting "In God We Trust," thousands of times, in fact, he is helping to spread the word. Crack dealers, hired killers, prostitutes, all get paid off with cash and when they count their one bill at a time, they are seeing "In God We Trust," over and over again. I wonder how many criminals have changed their ways just from reading that phrase over and over?

If the United States was a theocracy like some countries, this wouldn't be a problem. We would just print IGWT on our and anyone who didn't like it could lump it, but we're not a theocracy so it isn't that simple. I haven't checked the currency of other countries so I have to ask, is God's name on Iranian currency or the currency of any other country?

This will continue to be a controversial issue until we can settle it once and for all. Fortunately, I have an idea. Since Christians believe that Jesus is coming back, why don't we just wait? We can ask him when he comes back. We can also ask him to clear up that business of "Thou shalt not kill." Many people seem to think he meant, "Thou shalt not kill unless..." But there I go again, getting off the subject.

For now, let's just print some with IGWT on it and some without it. If anyone gets and doesn't want it because that phrase is there or isn't there, just send it to me, I'll know what to do with it.

As always, thanks for your support.
Wil Langford, R. Hy., is a 54 yr. old. Clinical Hypnotherapist, Integrated Energy Therapist, spiritual guide, and author of Your Loved Ones, Your Self; Fiinding and Raising the Family Within and yourlovedonesyourself.com

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