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Go Green And Save Money
By Corey Wood
Go Green And Save Money

1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree. If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.
Everywhere you look these days it seems that the main message is, "go green and save money." This is an appealing message for most people as we are constantly warned of the dire consequences of global warming out of control. People want to do their bit to help save the planet, and if they can save at the same time, then it just obviously makes sense all round.

You can go green and save just about anywhere. Your home is probably the most obvious place to start, but you can also do wonders with your car, in the office, out shopping, traveling on vacation, and much more. The opportunities are almost endless; going green doesn't have to be more expensive, you can definitely go green and save at the same time.
2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water. Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.

Your home probably leaks heat out during the winter and leaks heat in during the summer. For this reason most of us have winter heaters and summer air conditioning units. This should be the first place you investigate of how to go green and save money. Are all your windows tight? Are the door seals tight too? This is where heat can leak out and make your electricity bills soar.

3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes! That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.

If your

house doesn't have good loft insulation heat will pour out in winter and pour in during the summer. Insulation is one of the best ways to go green and save money. Your walls can have their cavities filled with insulating foam as well, all keeping the heat inside in winter and outside in summer for more comfortable living.

4. Use less water. Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!
The water you use in the home is perhaps the easiest "go green and save money" source you have. Look for leaks first. Leaking faucets, even just the occasional drip, accounts for a lot of wasted over time. You could waste as much as 140 gallons in a week!

Are your hot water pipes insulated? They should be if you aim to go green and save money. Insulated pipes let the hot water reach the faucets faster, thereby saving water, while you go green and save too. Low flow toilets are another way to save water. You don't need to flush gallons of water away every time, just what you need.
5. Walk rather than drive for very short trips. Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your too, as well as help the environment.

Edison was a genius, but his light bulb invention has been superceded by the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. These are bulbs that use a mere 25% of the energy that a traditional light bulb uses. They also last 10 times longer. Replace all your traditional bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs and instantly go green and save money!

1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree. If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortab

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to money that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our sims money cheat website.

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