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Earning Extra Money During The Economy Crisis
By Khadijah Ibrahim
One of the hot topics during this economy crisis is about alternative ways to make more money. There are a lot of ways to make more or additional incomes such as opening up small stands to sell homemade delicacies or doing part time jobs or even getting a second job. These are some of the choices that people choose to do nowadays especially to make ends meet.

You might say that by taking a second job for example you would not have any time left for your family. Well, maybe you are right however when there is a will there is a way.

You might also say that online business is the alternative to make extra or even more money. I have to agree with you on this one and sometimes it could end up being the main source of your income. Just look around at all those millionaire internet marketers.

However this time round I am going to share with you some of the part time jobs that people do online so that you could make more and spend time with you family. Who knows maybe someday these part time jobs could become full time job where you could just work from home to watch your children grow.

Forum posting

If you like to chat with other people and get paid, you may want to try forums. Normally owners of new forums will pay people to start conversations and keep the chats flowing. You will be paid based on the posts you post. Keeping the chat flowing is a way to attract people to stop by and have a chat in these new forums.

Writing blog

Blogging is another way to make money. You can set up a blog and start talking about anything either your interest in a product or even what you are doing every day. You will make by allowing advertisers to advertise their products or services on your blog.

Just like forum posting there are also blog owners who will pay you to write in their blog. This is due to the fact that they want to keep the conversation flowing to attract

the interest of potential customers.

Getting paid to read email

There are actually companies who pay people to read emails sent to them. This is probably because sometimes the best anti-spam program could not spot SPAM like human eyes can.

Filling surveys

If you have no problem to disclose your personal details and you have no problem having no privacy then filling surveys could be a good way to make extra money. However you need to be careful when choosing the company that offers survey-filling job. There are people who complained that they were not paid after they completed the job.

Promoting other people's products

This is what is called as affiliate. You could promote other people's products or services in forums, blogs, comments, emails or even in your website if you have one. You will receive commissions for every sale you make.

Find products for other people

There are people who run services to find products for others. For example Mrs X wants to buy a specially made handbag however she does not have the time to find it or she does not know where to find the type of handbag she wants. What she needs to do is seek your service on the internet and you will do the work of looking for what she wants and delivering it to her. Of course she has to pay the product cost plus your service to look for and deliver the handbag. Your service will not be that expensive compared to her valuable time that she has saved to find the product on her own,

I have shared with you six simple ways to make extra and still have time to be with your family. There is also a possibility that one day you will make enough using one of these simple ways that you realise that this could become your main source of income. Whatever the outcome in the future is, all you need to do now is take action and you will be making more in no time.

Copyright (c) 2009 Khadijah Ibrahim
Khadijah is a internet marketer, certified handwriting analyst, author, trainer and NLP practitioner. Listen to her talks about building online business and developing positive personality by clicking here to goto her blog. Click here to goto her website where she will show you how your personality could be revealed through your handwriting and how you become a better person by changing your handwriting

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to money that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our money gram website.

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